Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Waiting on my Lord, My Lord who Surprisingly Waits on Me!


Dear Fellow Children of God,


On Sunday, January 12, after a morning at church at First Lutheran in Gainesville, FL, Kathy and I traveled to Tampa to board a flight home to Alaska. We spent Christmas in Florida because I am serving at First Lutheran. We traveled home to see our family whom we missed this year.  For our trips home we have recently been flying out of Tampa, because the airport is not as busy as Orlando.  The traffic is not as bad.  We don’t have the long security lines.  However, this past Sunday as we arrived at the Alaska Airlines ticket counter in Tampa, the place was flooded with people in a way we seldom see with Alaska Air.  We have both earned Alaska Airlines MVP status, and we usually get a shorter line at the ticket counter.  But the priority line was also crowded, bending around the corner.


It turns out one of the cruise ships which uses Tampa as their home port was changing crews.  And, many of the cruise-line workers were flying Alaska Air, quite a few on our flight.  Many of those in line did not speak English.  One of the Alaska Air workers was trying to organize the crowd, and asked people if they had priority status.  Some of the large crowd moved to other lines.  But, others did not seem to understand English enough to respond.  So, we stood in the long line and prepared for a long wait.


Do you like to wait?  Most people dislike waiting.  Perhaps you have heard the facetious prayer: “Lord, give me patience.  And, I want it NOW!”


Our Sunday airport experience came to mind as I was reading Isaiah 30:18 in my daily devotions on Wednesday, January 15.  “Therefore the LORD waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the LORD is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.”


Considering Isaiah 30, did you ever imagine that the Lord waits for us?  For you?  As I have again been reading through Isaiah in my daily devotions, the list of sins from God’s people is overwhelming.  They are unfaithful to their Creator and Savior.  They worship false gods.  They indulge in greed and drunkenness.  They hurt one another.  Yet foolishly, they trust their own wisdom and their own efforts, rather than trusting and listening to and following the just and righteous Lord of all.  In response to their sin, the Lord does discipline and punish His people so that they realize how they are hurting themselves.  But, and this is a BIG BUT, the Lord waits.  According to Isaiah 30:18, He is waiting for the people to turn to Him in trust and worship so that He may be gracious to them.  For a wandering people, our Lord is a faithful God.  Amazing!


Then, when God’s people turn to Him, they “wait for Him.” (Isaiah 30:18) We wait on the Lord.  We wait for answers to prayer.  We wait to understand God’s wisdom.  We wait for His promises.  We wait for salvation. 


However, DO you like to wait?  There are times when life is difficult, painful, wearying.  When life hurts, we wonder where God is.  Where is the Lord’s grace and mercy?  Where is His answer to our prayers?  We do not like to wait!


There is wisdom at the end of Isaiah 30:18, “blessed are all those who wait for him.”  When we need help, yet that help does not seem to come as we desire, we learn about our Lord.  We also learn about ourselves when we observe how God answers our prayer, or even seemingly does not answer them. 


God’s ultimate answer, His grace and mercy, is found in Jesus.  Isaiah often prophesies about “that day” when people live in the fullness of God’s love and grace.  In Jesus, God walks beside us in the trials of life.  In Jesus, God loves and forgives those who turned from Him, yet return in repentance and faith.  In Jesus God blesses with eternal life.  And, for the Lord’s people who wait on Him, we believe that the one who saves us eternally, can and does work good through the trials of this life.


I saw an answer to prayer today, January 15.  Last year a former St. John, Palmer, member took sick.  Steve Koss was in the same confirmation class as my oldest son, Josh.  That makes Steve 43 or 44.  But respiratory illness led to sepsis, and that infection spread and threatened Steve’s life.  Steve lost his hands. He lost his lower legs and feet. Steve lost his ability to speak, and his family feared he would die.  But today I saw a video from Steve’s mom.  Steve is talking.  He is going through physical therapy and walking on artificial legs, and newer, better legs are promised for the future.  What a horrible tragedy!  What brave recovery!  But, the words which especially touched me were from Steve’s mom, Cherie. After talking of the past year’s gauntlet of troubles, Cherie wrote, “In so many ways we have felt the overwhelming presence of God in our lives and our families this past year. He is so faithful to watch over us and protect us and we give Him all the honor and praise.” Steve and family waited on the Lord.  In His own wisdom, God acted in grace and mercy. Through their trials the Koss family saw God’s grace and mercy and love! 


Personally, I do not like to wait.  I was not happy to see the long line at the airport.  However, I do desire to continue to grow in trusting in my Lord, waiting on Him.  Amazingly, my Lord does wait for me to trust in Him, so that I might receive His grace and blessings.


Teach me, Lord, to wait on you so I may see how good and gracious you are!


A Child of God, Waiting on my Lord, My Lord who Surprisingly Waits on Me!

Pastor Rockey


P.S.   I continue to serve as vacancy pastor at First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, Florida, until First Lutheran receives a permanent full-time pastor.   

NEWS AND MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES AT First Lutheran Church – Gainesville!



·       Pastor Chris Kollman has accepted the call to serve First Lutheran as full-time pastor.   


o   Pastor Kollmann will be installed as Pastor of First Lutheran on Sunday afternoon, February 16, at 4:00 p.m. with a meal to follow.


o   Pastor Kollmann’s first Sunday to lead worship is February 23.


·       Kathy and I are in Alaska January 13-30.  While we are gone Pastor Stephen Lane will be leading worship and teaching Bible Class.


·       The Robert C. Besalski Scholarship Fund has been established at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, for Florida – Georgia District Students who are studying for the pastoral ministry at the seminary Pastor Bob attended.  Because this endowment has reached $25,000.00 the seminary will start awarding scholarships.   


·       SUNDAY SCHOOL IS IN FULL SWING until May. Children begin in worship at 10:00 a.m..  Early in the service, after the Children’s Message, children leave for a lesson, for a craft, and a snack. 

Parents, Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts, Neighbors, PLEASE bring your children to Sunday School.  THANK YOU Sunday School Teachers and staff!


·       In Sunday Bible Class we began a study of “The Pastoral Epistles,” 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, on Sunday, January 5.  Pastor Lane will teach while I am in Alaska.  Come and Join Us in the Besalski Fellowship Hall at 8:45 a.m.!!!!!


·       COLLEGE STUDENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS meet on Tuesday nights in the student house at 7:00 p.m.  Come and join us! They are studying “The Case for Christianity.”  There was a break as school was out for the Christmas holiday.  Tuesday night group classes start again this Tuesday, January 14.


·       STEPHEN MINISTRY – First Lutheran is re-activating the Stephen Ministry program at First Lutheran.  Angie Burr, Jean Halabrin, and Dana Lucas will start leadership training, hopefully on February 10.  In addition, those who are committed to training as supervised Christian Care Givers include: Julie Dicks, Tina Gorske, Patti Holloway, Debbie Jones, Marge Polkowski, Kathy Rockey, Stephanie Smith, and Jon Visscher.  Stay tuned for more information as the training process progresses.


·       WE CONTINUE TO READ THROUGH THE SCRIPTURE IN 2024 and 2025 using the “Today’s Light Devotional Bible.”  On Wednesday, January 8, we read Isaiah 30 and 31.

Feel free to contact Pastor Rockey at 907-841-4066 if you have any questions about these readings.  Or send an e-mail question to  I have recently received questions and comments.  It is always good to consider our Lord’s love and guidance. I will TRY to answer, but some things only God knows!


P.P.S. Family Fun:


·       On Friday, January 10, Kathy and I attended the 98th birthday party of friend, Ginni Craig.  Ginni is mom to some neighbor boys who were best friends as I grew up.  Ginni is now living near her youngest son, David, in Ft. Pierce.  Here are some pictures.


·       While in Ft. Pierce, I went fishing at the hotel where we stayed.  Here are some pictures of me fishing off the hotel pier.  I did not get any bites.  But it did start raining.  I moved under a shelter, but when the wind blew the rain on me even under the shelter, I quit fishing.  Here are some pictures.


·       Here are some pictures of our home in Alaska on Monday morning, January 13, after a night of light snow.








ABOUT THIS DEVOTION - I retired at the end of August 2019 from serving as full-time senior pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Palmer, AK.  I was writing a weekly devotion previously entitled, "Thoughts from the Pastor."  When I retired many asked me to continue writing these devotions.  So I have continued writing.  However, with life's changes I now call this weekly devotion "Journeys Through Life as a Child of God."  Since I am no longer senior pastor at St. John, I felt it right to only send this message to those who asked to receive it.  (However, I am currently as Vacancy Pastor for First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, FL.)

So, if you stopped receiving these devotions and wondered why, now you understand.  And, if you are now receiving these devotions and do not wish to receive them, please let me know, and I’ll gladly remove your name from my distribution list.  My e-mail address is

My prayer is that these devotions help each of you in your daily walk with our Lord, Jesus.



Jonathan Rockey

Child of God

Husband, Father, Son, Grandfather

Vacancy Pastor, First Lutheran Church, Gainesville, FL

Pastor Emeritus, St. John Lutheran Church, Palmer, AK




How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1 a)



Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Tackling God’s Impossible Call of Holy Living, Trusting In His MERCY!


Dear Fellow Children of God,


Did you make any resolutions for 2025?  As I began to write this devotion, it was January 7.  The New Year was only one week old.  How are you doing on your resolution, or goals?  Have you broken them, or yet failed in your good intentions? My daughter, Mary, showed me a Christian news e-mail, called “Pour Over.”  One of the notes on Wednesday, January 8 reads, “If you’re still plugging along at your fresh fitness goals for 2025, congratulations! You’re already doing better than the almost 25% of resolution-making Americans who quit after week one.”  


If you might be struggling with your wishes for a more healthy life in 2025, please consider with me God’s call and His wisdom for His children which we find in Romans 12:1?  1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”


Imagine! God calls His people to lives of worship, worship which is willing to sacrifice in order to serve our Lord and Savior.  Now, even though we know that Paul, inspired by God, is right, that is a difficult goal!  I am sure that if we are falling behind in our New Year’s  resolutions, or struggling in our current personal goals, this call from God seems impossible. I easily remember times in the last days where I have failed in living sacrificially for my Lord.  How about you?


The world around us works against our healthy goals. Selfishness is so easy!  Indulgence, anger, lust, and greed come so naturally! We prefer self-reliance, rather than faith in the goodness of God.  The enemy fights our plans for spiritual health.  Keeping our resolutions, persevering in our goals, is difficult. 


But, to “present [our] bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,” seems totally impossible.  We know our past failures. Where could we find it in ourselves to live in such a faithful and holy way?  If we are honest with ourselves, we know that we have failed, and we do fail.  No wonder John writes, If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.” (1John 1:8) Our sinful nature is a verifiable fact!


This sobering truth nevertheless leads us to the amazing mercy of God.  If we look more closely at Romans 12, God’s MERCY is the power to work toward the impossible goal of holy living.   1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, BY THE MERCIES OF GOD, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship


God’s mercy is His power to change lives.  And surprisingly, God calls sinners to do His holy work.  If you are reading with me through the Bible in two years, we are currently meditating on the book of the prophet Isaiah.  Isaiah 6 is an interesting chapter.  In that chapter Isaiah recounts a vision he had of the throne room of God Himself.  The prophet was sure he was a dead man.  In verse 5 Isaiah shares,  “And I said: ‘Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!’” Isaiah knew his sin, and he was sure of his condemnation.


But, the rest of the Isaiah 6 account tells us of God’s mercy.Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth and said: ‘“Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.’ And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am! Send me.’” (Isaiah 6:6-8)


Truthfully, we are weak and sinful.  But thankfully, like God cleansed Isaiah, He cleanses us in the blood of Jesus.  We are weak and sinful, but thankfully, by His mercy, we live in the grace of God’s forgiveness found in Jesus.  Remember the words of Romans 12:1. “1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” 


Don’t just dwell on your failures.  We face God’s call to righteous living, His call to make a difference for good in this world, “by the mercies of God.”  Consider also how God used sinful people like Noah, and Moses, and Rahab, and David, and Bathsheba, and Peter, and Paul.  God forgave their sin and called them to His service.  Scripture is full of the wonderful work God accomplished through these sinful people!


It is not just for a New Year, but for new lives in Jesus that our Heavenly Father calls us, “1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.” Our Lord calls us, and He empowers us for this holy task in His Mercy.


What holy task does God have in store for you in this coming year?  Please remember, we live in the grace and the mercy of God!  Please remember, our Lord forgives you, and can and does accomplish great things for His kingdom through You!


A Child of God, Tackling God’s Impossible Call of Holy Living, Trusting In His Mercy!

Pastor Rockey


P.S.   I continue to serve as vacancy pastor at First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, Florida, until First Lutheran receives a permanent full-time pastor.   

NEWS AND MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES AT First Lutheran Church – Gainesville!



·       Pastor Chris Kollman has accepted the call to serve First Lutheran as full-time pastor.   


o   Pastor Kollmann will be installed as Pastor of First Lutheran on Sunday afternoon, February 16, at 4:00 p.m. with a meal to follow.


o   Pastor Kollmann’s first Sunday to lead worship is February 23.


·       The Robert C. Besalski Scholarship Fund has been established at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, for Florida – Georgia District Students who are studying for the pastoral ministry at the seminary Pastor Bob attended.  When this endowment reaches $25,000.00 the seminary will start awarding scholarships.  The Besalski’s are working to find out the total amount donated so far.  Stay tuned for more information as we learn it.


·       Claire Abigail Denson was baptized in worship at First Lutheran on Sunday, January 5.  Here are a couple of pictures.


·       SUNDAY SCHOOL IS IN FULL SWING until May. Children begin in worship at 10:00 a.m..  Early in the service, after the Children’s Message, children leave for a lesson, for a craft, and a snack. 

Parents, Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts, Neighbors, PLEASE bring your children to Sunday School.  THANK YOU Sunday School Teachers and staff!


·       In Sunday Bible Class we began a study of “The Pastoral Epistles,” 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, on Sunday, January 5.  Come and Join Us in the Besalski Fellowship Hall at 8:45 a.m.!!!!!


·       COLLEGE STUDENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS meet on Tuesday nights in the student house at 7:00 p.m.  Come and join us! They are studying “The Case for Christianity.”  There was a break as school was out for the Christmas holiday.  Tuesday night group classes start again this Tuesday, January 14.


·       STEPHEN MINISTRY – First Lutheran is re-activating the Stephen Ministry program at First Lutheran.  Angie Burr, Tina Gorske, and Jean Halabrin will start leadership training, perhaps in February.  Dana Lucas, a former leader, will also join the leadership team.  In addition, those who are committed to training as supervised Christian Care Givers include: Julie Dicks, Patti Holloway, Debbie Jones, Marge Polkowski, Kathy Rockey, Stephanie Smith, and Jon Visscher.  Stay tuned for more information as the training process progresses.


·       WE CONTINUE TO READ THROUGH THE SCRIPTURE IN 2024 and 2025 using the “Today’s Light Devotional Bible.”  On Wednesday, January 8, we read Isaiah 11 and 12.

Feel free to contact Pastor Rockey at 907-841-4066 if you have any questions about these readings.  Or send an e-mail question to  I have recently received questions and comments.  It is always good to consider our Lord’s love and guidance. I will TRY to answer, but some things only God knows!


P.P.S. Family Fun:


·       I went fishing once since my last devotion.  I took John Dudeck fishing on a new favorite lake.  The temperatures have been cool.  It was not an aggressive bite.  However, I had 5 bites, and hooked . . . NO fish!  John did catch 5 small bass.  Here are some pictures.


·       I also played golf on Monday, January 6.  Something must have been wrong.  I shot my best score at Hawkstone, an 83!  😊  I expect to be back in the 90’s soon.  Though I do not expect to golf while visiting family at home in Alaska.


·       Kathy and I leave after worship on Sunday, January 12, to travel to Alaska.  As pastor, I was at First Lutheran for Christmas.  We did not spend the holiday time with our children and grandchildren.  We will return on January 31.







ABOUT THIS DEVOTION - I retired at the end of August 2019 from serving as full-time senior pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Palmer, AK.  I was writing a weekly devotion previously entitled, "Thoughts from the Pastor."  When I retired many asked me to continue writing these devotions.  So I have continued writing.  However, with life's changes I now call this weekly devotion "Journeys Through Life as a Child of God."  Since I am no longer senior pastor at St. John, I felt it right to only send this message to those who asked to receive it.  (However, I am currently as Vacancy Pastor for First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, FL.)

So, if you stopped receiving these devotions and wondered why, now you understand.  And, if you are now receiving these devotions and do not wish to receive them, please let me know, and I’ll gladly remove your name from my distribution list.  My e-mail address is

My prayer is that these devotions help each of you in your daily walk with our Lord, Jesus.



Jonathan Rockey

Child of God

Husband, Father, Son, Grandfather

Vacancy Pastor, First Lutheran Church, Gainesville, FL

Pastor Emeritus, St. John Lutheran Church, Palmer, AK



How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1 a)




Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Celebrating New Life, EVEN in the New Year!

Dear Fellow Children of God,


I expect that everyone knows that Wednesday, January 1, is New Year’s Day.  Yes, this is a national holiday and a day off work.  Yes, New Year’s Day is a day of football, and a day of some special foods.  But, the reason people celebrate is that the calendar has advanced another year.  The year 2024, with all of its trials and tribulations, is gone . . . hopefully.  The year 2025 brings hope and dreams of a new start, of a new beginning, hope for a new life. 


But. are those hopes reality, or just wishful thinking?  I asked in my New Year’s Eve sermon, “Are all our financial debts satisfied and gone simply because the year changed?”  “Are the illnesses and injuries which plague our daily lives totally in the past?”  “Have broken relationships been healed, just because the year 2024 is complete, and we are now in 2025?” 


You know, and I know, that just because the calendar turns, this does not mean that our troubles have ended.  Life’s pain and suffering are the result of our sin and our rebellion against the Creator and Lord of all.  We should not be surprised by our trials and our troubles.  Nevertheless, the whole world does still celebrate the New Year, because we do hope for a new future.


However, we DID witness new life at First Lutheran Church on Sunday, December 29.  Paisley Mae Lunt (my second cousin, 3 times removed ) was baptized.  In John 3, Jesus surprises Nicodemus.  "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." . . . 5 "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3, 5).  Jesus says a person is born again, they have new life, by water and by the Spirit, through baptism.


On Pentecost Day Peter teaches the crowd in Jerusalem. “38  . . . "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself."  (Acts 2:38-39)  When Paisley was baptized she was forgiven.  She received the gift of the Holy Spirit.  She was called as a child of God. She was given new life.


In his Small Catechism Dr. Martin Luther quotes Romans 6:4 in regard to baptism.  Please read with me verses 3 and 4 of Romans 6. “3 Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.”  Through baptism, through dying with Jesus to sin and rising with Him through faith, we walk in newness of life.


Then Luther applies Romans 6 to the daily life of a child of God.  What does such baptizing with water indicate? It indicates that the Old Adam in us should by daily contrition and repentance be drowned and die with all sins and evil desires, and that a new man should daily emerge and arise to live before God in righteousness and purity forever.” In other words, God’s gift of new life in baptism is not a one-time gift.  New life in Jesus is lasting.  And, the new life which God works in us, by Jesus’ dying and rising, by the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, this new life shows in how we live.  Every day we live in repentance.  The old sinful person in us dies.  The new person who trusts Jesus’ forgiveness arrives.  Every day we live in repentance.  We turn from sin and we turn to God in faith and in love.


What did you do on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day?  Many were in Times Square. BUT many were also in worship, receiving God’s grace and being strengthened for the new lives which God gives us.  If you really want to celebrate something new, live in the grace God gives you in your baptism! You don not have to wait for the calendar to change.  Because God loves us, we arise as new people every morning, through repentance, through faith, through the grace of God in Jesus.


A Child of God, Celebrating New Life, EVEN in the New Year!

Pastor Rockey


P.S.   I continue to serve as vacancy pastor at First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, Florida, until First Lutheran receives a permanent full-time pastor.   

NEWS AND MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES AT First Lutheran Church – Gainesville!



·       In worship on December 26 First Lutheran received a letter from Pastor Chris Kollman.  He said YES to the call to be pastor.  Praise the Lord! 


·       SUNDAY SCHOOL IS IN FULL SWING until May. Children begin in worship at 10:00 a.m..  Early in the service, after the Children’s Message, children leave for a lesson, for a craft, and a snack. 

Parents, Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts, Neighbors, PLEASE bring your children to Sunday School.  THANK YOU Sunday School Teachers and staff!


·       Here are some pictures from the baptism of Paisley at First Lutheran on Sunday, December 29.


·       We have another baptism this coming Sunday, January 5.  Claire Denson will be received as a child of God and given new life.


·       In Sunday Bible Class we finished studying the Messianic prophecies of Isaiah. On January 5 we begin a study of “The Pastoral Epistles,” 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon .  Come and Join Us in the Besalski Fellowship Hall at 8:45 a.m.!!!!!


·       COLLEGE STUDENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS meet on Tuesday nights in the student house at 7:00 p.m.  Come and join us! They are studying “The Case for Christianity.”  (THERE IS A BREAK DURING CHRISTMAS VACATION.)


·       WE CONTINUE TO READ THROUGH THE SCRIPTURE IN 2024 and 2025 using the “Today’s Light Devotional Bible.”  On Tuesday, December 31, we finished Song of Solomon.

Feel free to contact Pastor Rockey at 907-841-4066 if you have any questions about these readings.  Or send an e-mail question to  I have recently received questions and comments.  It is always good to consider our Lord’s love and guidance. I will TRY to answer, but some things only God knows!


P.P.S. Family Fun:


·       I went fishing twice since my last devotion.  

o   On Thursday, December 26, I fished by myself for the first time in the St. John’s River, out of Palatka, Florida.  I had a big fish on, but . . . he jumped and spit the hook.  It was nice to try a new place.  Here are a couple of pictures.


o   On Friday, December 27, I fished with Mark Hoyer for Crappie, or “specs.”  We caught 6, and kept 5.  Here are a few pictures.


·       I also played golf on Monday, December 30 . . . 2 TIMES! I played 18 holes in the morning with John Holloway from First Lutheran Church.  I played 18 holes in the afternoon with Jeff Thinschmidt from First Lutheran Church. J







ABOUT THIS DEVOTION - I retired at the end of August 2019 from serving as full-time senior pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Palmer, AK.  I was writing a weekly devotion previously entitled, "Thoughts from the Pastor."  When I retired many asked me to continue writing these devotions.  So I have continued writing.  However, with life's changes I now call this weekly devotion "Journeys Through Life as a Child of God."  Since I am no longer senior pastor at St. John, I felt it right to only send this message to those who asked to receive it.  (However, I am currently as Vacancy Pastor for First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, FL.)

So, if you stopped receiving these devotions and wondered why, now you understand.  And, if you are now receiving these devotions and do not wish to receive them, please let me know, and I’ll gladly remove your name from my distribution list.  My e-mail address is

My prayer is that these devotions help each of you in your daily walk with our Lord, Jesus.



Jonathan Rockey

Child of God

Husband, Father, Son, Grandfather

Vacancy Pastor, First Lutheran Church, Gainesville, FL

Pastor Emeritus, St. John Lutheran Church, Palmer, AK


"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1 a)




Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Enjoying the Quiet Peace of Christmas DAY Worship


Dear Fellow Children of God,


Perhaps like me, Christmas Eve candlelight worship is one of your favorite services each year.  Christmas decorations make the sanctuary festive.  We sing favorite, well-known Christmas carols and we hear readings from the Christmas story in scripture, readings which are the best news ever.  The choirs sing, and ring.  Instruments play.  The lights in the church go out, and worship glows with the light of candles.  Often attendance at Christmas Eve worship is one of the largest crowds of the year.  On Christmas Eve I feel anticipation in the air.  People are excited to again hear the good news of the Savior’s birth and to respond with songs of joy.  We might call this service our “Christmas Spectacular.”  Congregations “pull out all the stops” to celebrate the good news that “Christ, the Savior is born.”


However, in recent decades worship services on Christmas Day are a sharp contrast to those held just 12 or 15 hours earlier.  The decorations are still up, and choirs often still sing, though the number of anthems is usually fewer.  That’s because we expect fewer people to attend.  I guess that folks figure that attending worship twice in 24 hours is unnecessary, especially if there might be gifts to unwrap on Christmas morning.  Especially if there might a Christmas meal to prepare and to eat.  As a result, Christmas Day worship services tend to be quieter, more contemplative, perhaps even more peaceful.


Yet, I wonder if this rhythm of worship for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day does not reflect the first Christmas.  On Christmas night, after the “baby was laid in the manger”, we are told about the shepherds and the angels, “8 And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. 10 And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.’ 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 14 ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!’” Angels appearing! Bright light shining! Good News spoken! A choir of angels singing! After all, that IS pretty spectacular stuff!


But the next day as the shepherds sought out Mary, and Joseph, and baby Jesus, Mary’s response to their account was that she, " . . . treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. (Luke 2:19)  “Pondering” might also be called thinking, or meditating. Those are quieter activities.  As the truth of the saving birth of Jesus sinks in, perhaps those are also deeper activities. It seems to me that “pondering,” “thinking,” and “meditating” are not only more peaceful, they sink the peace of the love of God deep into our hearts, because of the Christmas miracle.


I did tell you that Christmas Eve Candlelight worship is one of my favorite services each year.  Nevertheless, the quiet, contemplative, pondering worship of Christmas Day does not take a back seat in my heart to the spectacular worship of Christmas Eve.  I do appreciate when people gather, not so much for the glitz and glamor of the service, but for the sure, strong message of peace because of the love of God shown in the birth of our Savior.


Do you like Christmas decorations?  I do.  For over 30 years we decorated Christmas trees which were 15 feet tall, or higher in our Alaska home!  I love to see colored lights displayed in yards during the winter darkness.  But, last year because of work we spent Christmas in Florida.  I wrote to you about the decoration we have in our yard in Florida.  Most of our “stuff” is in Alaska.  But, we found a wood cut-out of the manger scene which we hang in our front flower bed from a shepherd’s crook.  When we shine a light on that manger scene, it gives the opportunity for those who see it to focus attention on the wonderful Christmas truth of Jesus’ birth, truth which is the reason for the season.  This simple ornament is not the spectacular light show which I see in many other yards.  This manger cut-out simply points to Jesus’ birth, the wonderful news which Mary pondered, the grace and truth and love which bring peace. 


I pray that the wonderful, spectacular worship of Christmas Eve brings the excitement of God’s Christmas miracle to your heart.  However, perhaps on Christmas Day you might find time to do what Mary did.  After hearing the report of the shepherds, she “treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.”


A Child of God, Enjoying the Quiet Peace of Christmas DAY Worship,

Pastor Rockey


P.S.   I continue to serve as vacancy pastor at First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, Florida, until First Lutheran receives a permanent full-time pastor.   

NEWS AND MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES AT First Lutheran Church – Gainesville!


·       EXTRA HOLIDAY SERVICES  In addition to Sunday Worship, we now have mid-week worship for the Advent and Christmas season.

o   December 24, 5 and 7 p.m., Christmas Eve Candlelight

o   December 25, 10 a.m. – Christmas Day

o   December 31, 6:30 p.m. – New Year’s Eve.


·       In a Voters’ Meeting on December 1 First Lutheran voted to extend the call as full-time pastor to Rev. Chris Kollman.  PLEASE CONTINUE TO KEEP THE FIRST LUTHERAN CALL PROCESS IN YOUR PRAYERS. 


·       SUNDAY SCHOOL IS IN FULL SWING until May. Children begin in worship at 10:00 a.m..  Early in the service, after the Children’s Message, children leave for a lesson, for a craft, and a snack. 

During this Advent and Christmas Season Children’s messages in worship are learning and singing some favorite Christmas carols.  This week we will sing “Go Tel it on the Mountain!” 

Parents, Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts, Neighbors, PLEASE bring your children to Sunday School.  THANK YOU Sunday School Teachers and staff!


·       In Sunday Bible Class we are now studying the Messianic prophecies of Isaiah at 8:45 a.m. in the Besalski Fellowship Hall.   The last two weeks we pondered the truth of Isaiah 53.  On December 29 we will look at Isaiah 60, consider the magi, and perhaps hear some Christmas humor and pondering from Garrison Keillor. 

On January 5 we begin a study of “The Pastoral Epistles,” 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon .  Come and Join Us!!!!!


·       COLLEGE STUDENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS meet on Tuesday nights in the student house at 7:00 p.m.  Come and join us! They are studying “The Case for Christianity.”  On Tuesday, December 3, they finished chapter 4 of this book. (THERE IS A BREAK DURING CHRISTMAS VACATION.)


·       WE CONTINUE TO READ THROUGH THE SCRIPTURE IN 2024 and 2025 using the "Today’s Light Devotional Bible."  On Tuesday, December 24, we read Ecclesiastes 5 and 6.

Feel free to contact Pastor Rockey at 907-841-4066 if you have any questions about these readings.  Or send an e-mail question to  I have recently received questions and comments.  It is always good to consider our Lord’s love and guidance. I will TRY to answer, but some things only God knows!


P.P.S. Family Fun:

·       Here is a link to the Manger scene which hangs in our front yard in Florida.


·       The FLORIDA Rockey family gathered for Christmas at a time most of us could make it.  On Saturday, December 21, we gathered at the home of my brother, Stephen, and his wife, Lori.  Here are some pictures.


·       I only went fishing once since my last devotion.  On Sunday, December 22, I fished by myself in a local lake.  It was windy and the fish weren’t biting much.  The air temperature was 54 on my vehicle as I drove away, and water temperature 61 according to the electronics in my boat.  I quit fishing after a couple of hours and 2 “insincere” bites. Nevertheless, I was still thankful for time on the water in God’s beautiful creation.. 😊  I did golf a couple of times.  







ABOUT THIS DEVOTION - I retired at the end of August 2019 from serving as full-time senior pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Palmer, AK.  I was writing a weekly devotion previously entitled, "Thoughts from the Pastor."  When I retired many asked me to continue writing these devotions.  So I have continued writing.  However, with life's changes I now call this weekly devotion "Journeys Through Life as a Child of God."  Since I am no longer senior pastor at St. John, I felt it right to only send this message to those who asked to receive it.  (However, I am currently as Vacancy Pastor for First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, FL.)

So, if you stopped receiving these devotions and wondered why, now you understand.  And, if you are now receiving these devotions and do not wish to receive them, please let me know, and I’ll gladly remove your name from my distribution list.  My e-mail address is

My prayer is that these devotions help each of you in your daily walk with our Lord, Jesus.



Jonathan Rockey

Child of God

Husband, Father, Son, Grandfather

Vacancy Pastor, First Lutheran Church, Gainesville, FL

Pastor Emeritus, St. John Lutheran Church, Palmer, AK



How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1 a)