Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Thankful For Loving Examples of Faith, Praying That God Uses Me!


Dear Fellow Children of God, 


A number of years ago one of the best high school friends of our son, Andrew, David Bower, called Kathy on Mother’s Day.  David told Kathy, “It took a lot of moms to raise me, and you were one of them.  Thank you!” This week brought to my mind and heart the blessings of those men who helped to give me direction and who helped raise me.


Facebook reminded me last Friday, September 22, that it was my dad’s birth date.  He would have been 96 if he still lived.  I admit, as a teenager my dad and I had what you might call, “differences of opinion.”  But, as a Christian adult. I am so thankful that my dad was a hard worker, that he loved and provided for his family.  I am especially thankful my dad believed in Jesus and lived his faith.  He led by bringing his family to church, and he led by serving.  Jesus was part of our home.  My dad, this man of integrity, was not a man of many words, but his actions of faith and obedience shouted that Jesus was his Lord and Savior.  Thank you, Dad!


Then, two days later, on September 24, First Lutheran Church in Gainesville honored their long time pastor, Bob Besalski, and his family by dedicating and renaming the church fellowship hall as The Besalski Fellowship Hall.  There are many reasons why First Lutheran made the right choice in honoring the man who was their shepherd for 34 years.  But for me, Pastor Bob was another dad.  As a young man, and as a pastor, he took me under his wings.  He encouraged me.  Bob listened to me.  As a young man he gave me opportunities to serve at First Lutheran.  He loved me like another father.  I know I was not the only young pastor Bob encouraged.  I do know his love and mentorship made a difference in my life.


Have you ever considered the importance of faithful adult examples and mentors?  In the early 1990’s, when the Promise Keepers movement began one of the seven promises of a Promise Keeper including encouraging young men toward faithful lives of Christian living.  We can go back further to find truth concerning the importance of good parents and examples for the lives and the faith of God’s children.  The scripture is full of such teaching whether in the Old Testament, (e.g. 1 Samuel 1 and 2, Psalm 103:13, Proverbs 22:6) on in the New Testament (e.g. Matthew 7:9-11, Mark 5:22 ff, Ephesians 6:4, Hebrews 11, Hebrews 12:7).  In many of these verses earthly parents and mentors are compared to the greater love we receive from our Heavenly Father. 


One of the most poignant examples of such teaching of the faith for a young person is found in Timothy.  Paul shows the heart of a spiritual father and he reminds Timothy of the faithful example of his mother and grandmother in 2 Timothy 1:4-7.  4 As I remember your tears, I long to see you, that I may be filled with joy. 5 I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well. 6 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, 7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”  Do you hear how Timothy’s faith in Jesus, his Savior, was nurtured and encouraged by a whole group of faithful people?


As the Promise Keepers book pointed out, having a Christian parent, mentor, or friend is helpful and important.  Unfortunately, as our world grows further and further from their Creator and Savior, and Comforter, many do not have such godly examples and encouragers. But, even if we did not have such an example of faith, as we discover the unbelievable love of our Heavenly Father, who gave His Son to die for us, to save us, how can we not want to share that love with our children, and with the young people in our lives?


What if I did not have a Christian example and encourager?  We can BE one!  It’s never too late for us to share Jesus with our children or those young people around us.  As we grow in believing in God’s grace for us, and as we put our faith into action, we too can teach and encourage.  And remember, actions and example speak louder than words.  My dad shared his faith by his life!  That is also what Pastor Besalski did for me.


About 25 years ago a Christian friend, Dave Anderson, introduced me to a song I had not known.  The song is “Find Us Faithful”, by Jon Mohr and Steve Green.  The chorus of this song goes like this.

Oh, may all who come behind us find us faithful,

May the fire of our devotion light their way.

May the footprints that we leave lead them to believe,

And the lives we live inspire them to obey.

Oh, may all who come behind us find us faithful.


I am thankful that my Lord put godly examples and encouragers of faith into my life.  I am truly blessed!  I pray that, in spite of my weaknesses and failings, the Lord will use me to encourage others to know the love God gives us in Jesus, and to live in that love.


A Child of God, Thankful For Loving Examples of Faith, Praying That God Uses Me!

Pastor Jonathan


P.S. Sunday, September 24 was a big day at First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, Florida.

·       First Lutheran dedicated the fellowship hall to the glory of God, and in honor of Bob and Elaine Besalski.  Here are some pictures.


·       Another highlight of the day was that I was installed as vacancy pastor of First Lutheran Church in Gainesville by District President James Rockey, who just happens to be my youngest brother.  Here is a picture.


P.P.S.  Here is an album of pictures of my dad, Robert E. Rockey, a man of faith.  I put this album online when he was gathered to his heavenly home in 2018.


P.P.P.S.  Here is a video of Steve Green singing “Find Us Faithful.”



P.P.P.P.S.  It was a busy week and, while I did golf twice, I did not make it fishing.  L




ABOUT THIS DEVOTION - I retired at the end of August 2019 from serving as full-time senior pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Palmer, AK.  I was writing a weekly devotion previously entitled, "Thoughts from the Pastor."  When I retired many asked me to continue writing these devotions.  So I have continued writing.  However, with life's changes I now call this weekly devotion "Journeys Through Life as a Child of God."  Since I am no longer senior pastor at St. John, I felt it right to only send this message to those who asked to receive it.  (Currently I am serving as Vacancy Pastor for First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, FL.)

        So, if you stopped receiving these devotions and wondered why, now you understand.  And, if you are now receiving these devotions and do not wish to receive them, please let me know, and I’ll gladly remove your name from my distribution list.  My e-mail address is

        My prayer is that these devotions help each of you in your daily walk with our Lord, Jesus.



Jonathan Rockey

Child of God

Husband, Father, Son, Grandfather

        Vacancy Pastor, First Lutheran Church, Gainesville, FL

Pastor Emeritus, St. John Lutheran Church, Palmer, AK



1 John 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1 a)

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Praying for Faithful Shepherds for Christian Congregations!


Dear Fellow Children of God, 


In recent months I have been thinking about and praying for congregations who are looking for a new permanent pastor, or shepherd.  Jesus tells us, I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” (John 10:11).  Jesus is ultimately the one who guides, and protects, and cares for God’s people, His sheep.  His greatest care comes as He lays down His life to forgive us and save us.  However, the word “pastor” means shepherd.  Jesus may be THE good shepherd, but he commands Peter, “Feed My lambs. . . Tend my sheep . . . Feed my sheep.” (John 21:15-17) Pastors are God’s plan to care for His flock in this world.  So, what happens when a congregation, a flock of God’s people, are without a shepherd or pastor? 


My former congregation, St. John Lutheran in Palmer, Alaska, was without a permanent pastor for 3 ½ years after I retired.  Thankfully, Pastor Jeremy Davis has been shepherding God’s people there since January 2023.  Since retirement, when Kathy and I would visit family in Florida, we have attended the congregation where I grew up in Gainesville, First Lutheran Church.  But, this summer their pastor for the last 9+ years took a call to serve elsewhere.  They are now praying for and working to find a permanent shepherd.  In addition, having lived in Alaska for 32 years, I have worked with many of the congregations there.  On August 6 Pastor Dustin Atkinson of Star of the North Lutheran Church in Kenai announced that he would be leaving to serve in Colorado.  I know and care for God’s people in Kenai.  They too are now in need of a pastor.  Now you know why In recent months I have been thinking about and praying for congregations who are looking for new permanent pastors, or shepherd.” 


With this in mind, my devotional Scripture readings on Wednesday, September 20, caught my eye.  In 2 Chronicles 29 Hezekiah is seeking to repair the temple and renew faithful worship in the kingdom of Israel.  During Moses’ time God appointed the tribe of Levi as priests and temple workers.  So Hezekiah calls them and directs them, My sons, do not now be negligent, for the LORD has chosen you to stand in his presence, to minister to him and to be his ministers and make offerings to him." (2 Chronicles 29:11)  Hezekiah knows where to turn, to the people whom GOD chose.  In addition, the Levites had reason to respond.  Indeed history shows God called them to serve and to bring God’s love to His people.


There is an important lesson in this verse, a lesson churches and congregations often forget today.  We rightfully go about the task of finding a new shepherd with faithful concern for Jesus and His church.  But, if we treat finding a new pastor as a ‘job search,’ if we are asking, “Who are WE going to hire?” then we are forgetting who chooses the shepherds. the LORD has chosen you to stand in his presence, to minister to him and to be his ministers and make offerings to him."


If we take this verse (and many others in Scripture) seriously, then our pastors are not the people WE find.  We want them to be the shepherd GOD chose.  This mean the process of finding these new leaders calls for prayer, and faith, humility and patience.  But, when God leads us to the person He HIMSELF chose, well then we have the leader we need. 


As an aside, like many other jobs, professions, and areas of service, there is a shortage now of pastors, and that shortage is growing worse.  We need committed Christians and young people to seriously consider serving God and His church in ministry.


What a blessing to have The Good Shepherd, who sees caring for the people of God so important that “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.”  What a blessing for congregations to know that God has chosen a shepherd for them.  That is why I am praying for these churches; that they find the pastors God has already chosen for them.


A Child of God, Praying for Faithful Shepherds for Christian Congregations!

Pastor Jonathan


P.S.  I began working as Vacancy Pastor at First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, Florida, on Wednesday, September 13.  I will be working Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sunday.  So, I won’t be fishing and golfing quite as much as during previous times of retirement.


P.P.S.  However, I did still find time to go fishing two times this past week.

·       On Friday, September 15, I went fishing for the first time in Florida. I went to Orange Lake.  My first bite was a big one, a 21 ½” 6 pound largemouth bass.  Here are some pictures.  


·       On Saturday, September 16, I went fishing on the Suwannee River.  It was really hot and I didn’t get many bites.  But, I saw gators and caught 1 bass.  Here are a few pictures.


P.P.P.S.  FOR YOUR CALENDAR in October 2024:  I was asked to serve for 2 weeks at the Wittenberg English Ministry in Wittenberg Germany.  I tentatively agreed to serve there and to lead worship October 17-31 (Reformation Day), 2024.  MAYBE you want to come over to Germany at that time???  J





ABOUT THIS DEVOTION - I retired at the end of August 2019 from serving as senior  full-time pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Palmer, AK.  I was writing a weekly devotion previously entitled, "Thoughts from the Pastor."  When I retired many asked me to continue writing these devotions.  So I have continued writing.  However, with life's changes I now call this weekly devotion "Journeys Through Life as a Child of God."  Since I am no longer senior pastor at St. John, I felt it right to only send this message to those who asked to receive it.  (Currently I am serving as Vacancy Pastor for First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, FL.)

        So, if you stopped receiving these devotions and wondered why, now you understand.  And, if you are now receiving these devotions and do not wish to receive them, please let me know, and I’ll gladly remove your name from my distribution list.  My e-mail address is

        My prayer is that these devotions help each of you in your daily walk with our Lord, Jesus.



Jonathan Rockey

Child of God

Husband, Father, Son, Grandfather

        Vacancy Pastor, First Lutheran Church, Gainesville

Pastor Emeritus, St. John Lutheran Church, Palmer, AK



1 John 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1 a)

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Enjoying the Journey of Life With Jesus and My Loved Ones!


Dear Fellow Children of God, 


Perhaps you know that Kathy and I recently completed an epic drive.  We drove 4641 miles from Palmer, Alaska, to Gainesville, FL.  For the most part, it was a great trip.  But, we did not always agree on EVERYTHING during our nine days on the road.  One area where we had different ideas was how far to drive in a day.  For the first few days we followed the itinerary of a friend.  But, their route went to Arizona.  Our trip took us southeast to Florida.  As we followed different roads, I tended to drive a little further.


One day Kathy exclaimed, “You keep telling others, ‘We’re not going to kill ourselves,’ but we sure have long days.”  I responded, “We haven’t driven 1000 miles in a day, have we?” (I used to drive that way in college, and even on a trip with my son, Josh.) “So that’s the definition of not killing ourselves, driving less than 1000 miles?” Kathy exclaimed.  I thought I responded somewhat innocently, though I now find out that I am wrong. I asked Kathy, “How many times did we drive from Florida to visit your family in Memphis?  That’s 700 miles.”  Kathy responded, “I should have checked definitions about ‘killing ourselves’ before we left.”  Maybe we should have talked about this topic BEFORE we traveled.


We took pictures along to way and posted the photos on Facebook.  When our odometer reached 2500 miles into the trip we posted a picture from the fields of Saskatchewan.  My brother, Stephen, commented, “Looks like you still like each other.”


We did drive a lot of miles each day.  The shortest distance was the 250 miles we drove to Tok, AK, when we started out.  But, as we drove, I experienced the trip with my best friend, with my wife.  Not only did we take this trip together, but we also brought our Lord with us.  We experienced God’s creation along the way.  We saw beautiful scenery and, especially in northern Canada, we saw LOTS of wildlife.  Part of the creation we also saw was miles and miles of fields with many different crops.  We saw wheat, and corn, canola and soybeans, sunflowers and cotton, and . . . you get the idea.  We saw LOTS of crops!


We also visited with some of our friends along the way.  (On the trip back to AK perhaps we can drive more slowly and visit more friends.)  We stopped in Niagra, North Dakota, to visit Pastor Denny and Sue Neels.  In Chattanooga we spent time with another long-time church friend, Jo Parham.


We also experienced our Lord’s protection.  Twice other drivers dangerously cut in front of us.  However, where they were thinking about speed, or dangerous driving, our Lord worked safety. Both in Illinois and in Georgia, we escaped with just a scare.


God promises to be with us in our journeys.  In Psalm 119:105, the psalmist wrote, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”  God guides our journeys with His word.    We bought an atlas.  God’s Word is our map.


Our Lord promises His protection.  In Psalm 121:8, He tells us, the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”


In fact, Jesus tells us that He is the road to our ultimate destination, to heaven.  “’4 You know the way to the place where I am going.’ 5 Thomas said to him, ‘Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?’ 6 Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” (John 14:4-6) Jesus is THE WAY because He died to forgive our sins and rose to win eternal life for all who believe.


Life is a journey, a journey through failures and accomplishments, through laughter and tears, a journey through life and death.  When we travel with loved ones, when we travel with Jesus, the journey is an opportunity to grow in faith and love.  As you travel through life, May God go with you!  “Vaya con dios!”


A Child of God, Enjoying the Journey of Life With Jesus and My Loved Ones!

Pastor Jonathan


P.S.  Kathy and I drove from Alaska to Florida so that I might temporarily fill a vacancy at First Lutheran Church, in Gainesville.  I grew up at First Lutheran, and that is where we primarily worship when we visit Florida.  We left on our trip after church on September 3.  We arrived in Gainesville on Monday, September 11 after 4641 miles.  Here are some pictures of the whole trip.

·       Last Family Day.  We weren’t all together at one time, but we did gather on Sunday, August 27 for oven fried chicken and family time.  Jackson and Kendall came out during the week, and Tim and Megan both made it out as well.  Here are some pictures.

·       Preparation Day, September 2 (A last minute visit to Hatcher Pass),

·       Day 1, Palmer to Tok, (Our get away) September 3,

·       Day 2, Tok, AK, to Whitehorse,YT (The worst roads).

·       Day 3, Whitehorse, YT, to Ft. Nelson, BC.  (A Day of Waters and Wildlife)

·       Day 4- Ft.. Nelson, BC, to Wainwright, SK

·       Day 5 – Wainwright, SK, to Niagra, ND. 

·       Day 6 – Rest and visit with Pastor Denny and Sue Neels.

·       Day 7 – Niagra, ND, to East Moline, IL.

·       Day 8 – East Moline, Illinois to Chattanooga, TN.

·       Day 9 – Chattanooga, TN, to Gainesville, FL.  Trip Finished.


P.P.P.S.  FOR YOUR CALENDAR in October 2024:  I was asked to serve for 2 weeks at the Wittenberg English Ministry in Wittenberg Germany.  I tentatively agreed to serve there and to lead worship October 17-31 (Reformation Day), 2024.  MAYBE you want to come over to Germany at that time???  J





ABOUT THIS DEVOTION - I retired at the end of August 2019 from serving as senior  full-time pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Palmer, AK.  I was writing a weekly devotion previously entitled, "Thoughts from the Pastor."  When I retired many asked me to continue writing these devotions.  So I have continued writing.  However, with life's changes I now call this weekly devotion "Journeys Through Life as a Child of God."  Since I am no longer senior pastor at St. John, I felt it right to only send this message to those who asked to receive it.  (Currently I am serving as Vacancy Pastor for First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, FL.)

        So, if you stopped receiving these devotions and wondered why, now you understand.  And, if you are now receiving these devotions and do not wish to receive them, please let me know, and I’ll gladly remove your name from my distribution list.  My e-mail address is

        My prayer is that these devotions help each of you in your daily walk with our Lord, Jesus.



Jonathan Rockey

Child of God

Husband, Father, Son, Grandfather

Pastor Emeritus, St. John Lutheran Church



Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Thankful that We Are Special People in God’s Sight, People Whose Labor is Important!


Dear Fellow Children of God, 


In my personal daily devotions, I recently have been reading through 1 Chronicles. On Thursday, August 31, I read chapters 23-27.  This section of God’s word named individuals in the Levitical tribe who served during the time of David.  These five chapters contained a lot of names, and some bits of information about which groups served as priests, and about which groups of Levites took care of the gates, the treasury, the music and other tasks of keeping the Jewish faith active.


Now, some people may have a minds which revel in memorizing such details.  My mind, however, focuses more on historic accounts, stories, and God’s activity in the lives of His people.  It can seem that this long, LONG list of names does not include these accounts or stories.  But, then as I read the devotional writing in my Bible Jane Fryar, based on these Scripture readings, the devotion made an important point about our relationships with God.  The Lord knew each of these, His children, by name. . . . Note that no review contains a sour note.  The Lord kept track of their service, not their slip ups.” (Today’s Light Bible, ESV, page 580.)


Sometimes in the day-to-day routine of our lives, we forget how special we are in God’s sight.  In addition, in a world of 8 billion people it can be easy to feel we do not make a difference.  We can easily feel small, and unwanted.  We often forget how the Lord uses our work, done because we believe that God loves us in Jesus.


A Christian friend of mine recently told me that they hoped to “feel wanted again.”  There had been some losses in her life and I believe she was feeling small and unwanted.  Therefore, please think about this wish of my friend, and consider the lists of Levites, as you also read these words Our Lord speaks to us in 1 Peter.  9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 10 Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.”  (1 Peter 2:9-10) We are wanted and we are special in God’s sight.  He has chosen us, made us royalty, and made us holy through His Son.  We belong to God Himself!  And, our Lord gives us a purpose for our lives.  God calls us to “declare the praises” of our Lord and His saving love.  We deserve punishment for our selfishness and our sin.  Yet, we have instead received the mercy of God.  We are HIS people!  Like the priests and Levites in David’s time, God knows us and our Lord delights in how His love works faith and godly service in our lives!


Please also consider God’s words in 1 Corinthians 15.  The Lord inspired Paul to write this book, in part, because of all the troubles in this Christian congregation.  Yet listen to what the Corinthians are told.  “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”  (1 Corinthians 15:58)


We each know our failings. Perhaps we therefore wonder how God can love us, and how He can use our feeble efforts.  Nevertheless, our Lord sent His only Son.  Jesus, the Son of God, suffered and died for us.  We are loved and we are special, as Peter points out.  The hum-drum nature of our lives can lead us to wonder if we are accomplishing anything.  But, our Lord knows each of us by name.  And, [our] labor in the Lord is not in vain.”


Monday, September 4, the first Monday in September, was Labor Day, a national holiday for the United States.  In the midst of the messages of this holiday concerning the Labor Movement is the bigger message, that our labor or service in this world is important and gives value to the world around us.  This is especially true of our service of our Lord. We do make a difference, because Jesus lives in us, and we live for Him.  But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”


A Child of God, Thankful that We Are Special People in God’s Sight, People Whose Labor is Important!

Pastor Jonathan


P.S.  We have now prepared our home and our garden for winter.

·       We got our home ready for winter.

·       With help, I harvested, spread mulch, and roto-tilled the garden.  We also gave away veggies to family, and friends at church.


P.P.S.  Kathy and I are driving from Alaska to Florida so that I might temporarily fill a vacancy at First Lutheran Church, in Gainesville.  I grew up at First Lutheran, and that is where we primarily worship when we visit Florida.  We left on our trip after church on September 3.  Here are some pictures.

·       Last Family Day.  We weren’t all together at one time, but we did gather on Sunday, August 27 for oven fried chicken and family time.  Jackson and Kendall came out during the week, and Tim and Megan both made it out as well.  Here are some pictures.

·       Preparation Day, September 2 (A last minute visit to Hatcher Pass),

·       Day 1, Palmer to Tok, (Our get away) September 3,

·       Day 2, Tok, AK, to Whitehorse,YT (The worst roads).

·       Day 3, Whitehorse, YT, to Ft. Nelson, BC.  (A Day of Waters and Wildlife)


P.P.P.S.  FOR YOUR CALENDAR in October 2024:  I was asked to serve for 2 weeks at the Wittenberg English Ministry in Wittenberg Germany.  I tentatively agreed to serve there and to lead worship October 17-31 (Reformation Day), 2024.  MAYBE you want to come over to Germany at that time???  J





ABOUT THIS DEVOTION - I retired at the end of August 2019 from serving as senior  full-time pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Palmer, AK.  I was writing a weekly devotion previously entitled, "Thoughts from the Pastor."  When I retired many asked me to continue writing these devotions.  So I have continued writing.  However, with life's changes I now call this weekly devotion "Journeys Through Life as a Child of God."  Since I am no longer senior pastor at St. John, I felt it right to only send this message to those who asked to receive it. 

        So, if you stopped receiving these devotions and wondered why, now you understand.  And, if you are now receiving these devotions and do not wish to receive them, please let me know, and I’ll gladly remove your name from my distribution list.  My e-mail address is

        My prayer is that these devotions help each of you in your daily walk with our Lord, Jesus.



Jonathan Rockey

Child of God

Husband, Father, Son, Grandfather

Pastor Emeritus, St. John Lutheran Church



1 John 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1 a)