Saturday, October 17, 2015

How Are You Growing As a Child of God?

Dear Fellow Children of God,


How are you growing as a child of God? 


I ask this question, in part, because I attended a church workers conference on discipling this week.  Jesus, after all, did not say, “Go make members of all nations.”  He said go make disciples.  A disciple is a student who follows Jesus, who grows in their Christian faith and life, and who ultimately also shares the love of Jesus with others.  A person can be a church member by simply having their name on a roster.  It implies no personal growth.  But a disciple is someone who grows.  “How are you growing as a child of God?” 


I say this in part also because this week is stewardship Sunday at St. John.  People can think stewardship might be about money.  We wonder, “Have I grown from 2% to 3%, or from 10% to 11% in my giving?”  Actually, a Christian steward is a manager of all the gifts that God has given.  And God’s gifts are so much more than material resources.  God gives life and breath in this world.  God gives talents and abilities.  God gives family and friends, and Christian family in the church.  And, God gives forgiveness, and peace, and joy, and eternal life in Jesus Christ.  How do we manage the gifts of God?  That is not a money question , but a heart question.  But the question still remains.  “How are you growing as a child of God?”  Are we growing in our faith and love for God, or are we drifting away?


Scripture is full of the call of God to people, not just to receive His love, but to live and grow in His love.  In the parable of the sower, or planter, Jesus talks about the seed of God’s word that is planted.  On some soil God’s word grows and bears fruit, but on other soil, growth does not happen.  (Matthew 13).   “How are you growing as a child of God?”


Jesus also tells us that He is the vine, that His Father is the gardener, and that we are the branches.  Jesus  expects us to grow and bear fruit.  (John 15)  God calls for the fruit of the Spirit in His people which includes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  (Galatians 5:22-23)  God also looks for fruit that grows as His people share His love and grace “to the ends of the earth.”  (Acts 1:8).  “How are you growing as a child of God?”


After writing two letters to churches that Peter was pastoring, he ends his letters with the following verse.  “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” (2 Peter 3:18)  So the question remains, “How are you growing as a child of God?”


When we meet our Lord on Judgment Day, we are not saved by what we have done, but by the saving death and victorious rising of Jesus.  But, God will want to know what we did with the gift of His love.  Did we bear fruit in His kingdom?


Gardening and planting can seem boring.  You plant the seed, water and fertilize it, pull the weeds, and harvest the produce.  If the weather is good and the moose are far away, a person can have food to eat for a winter.  Likewise, there are certain, maybe even boring, things we can do to grow and produce fruit in God’s kingdom in our lives, and in our congregations.


We plant the seed of God’s Word.  Regular worship is vital.  Daily time in God’s word is strengthening.  This may seem like an old fashioned way of living, but the word cannot grow if it has not been planted.


We water and fertilize the seed.  The gifts of God’s sacraments are food and strength to a person of faith.  Time with the Lord in prayer is vital to growth.  When we face the trials of life with a prayer on our lips, and then see the answers of God, we grow.


We pull the weeds and harvest.  This is done when we spend time with God’s people in God’s church.  In worship we “teach and admonish.”  We encourage one another through hard times and correct one another in love in times of drifting.  And, as the family of God, we welcome new members into God’s family, praying they too will grow as disciples.


So, how do you answer the question, “How are you growing as a child of God?”  I pray the love of God is taking root in your heart and bearing fruit in your life as a child and disciple of God.


A Child of God, Seeking to Grow in His Love,

Pastor Jonathan





ABOUT ‘THOUGHTS FROM THE PASTOR’ -   I am sending these e-mail messages, hopefully weekly, to all St. John members and friends whose e-mails I have.  (I am always adding new names of friends and members – in case you are just receiving this e-mail for the first time.)  However, if you don’t want to receive this e-mail, please let me know, and I’ll gladly leave your name off my list for this message.





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