Friday, March 4, 2016

Praying for our Country

Dear Fellow Children of God,


Perhaps you know the old saying, “We don’t talk about religion and politics.” That common sentiment is understandable because opinions on faith and politics can be so passionate and conflicting.  Yet, there are appropriate times to speak, both about the Creator, Savior, and Lord of all, and to speak about human decisions that govern the way that people live.


So, maybe you have been watching the debates from the presidential candidates.  I personally have watched one of the debates, and have read opinions about the outcome of these debates.  News of the presidential race for our country has dominated the national news.


And, I’ve had many people ask me questions about the political issues of our day.  The man I still look to as my pastor after 50 years asked me on the phone last week, “Johnny, what are we going to do about our country?”  He was frustrated and apprehensive because of what he was seeing as a direction for our nation.


Another close friend from Idaho shared his frustrations recently.  And, in our men’s Promise Keepers Bible study we seldom get away on a Tuesday night without having expressed some opinions and frustrations about the direction of our world.


“What ARE we going to do?”  I believe God gives wise and sound direction in Scripture which His children should remember and follow.


First, my trust is not in earthly leaders.  My trust is in God.  In Psalm 20:7 we are told, Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.”  I have learned that all people have weaknesses and failings, even our leaders.  As a Christian pastor I do not endorse any specific candidates.  I point people to the word of God and His direction for life, and I encourage them to find the leader who might do the best job of leading our people toward God’s justice and righteousness.  That doesn’t mean that I don’t have opinions as an American citizen.  But, my ultimate leader and king is God.  No other leader measures up to His standards.


Nonetheless, we have responsibilities to follow what our governing authorities direct . . . most of the time.  Through Paul, God directs the church in Rome, during the time of Emperor, Nero, with the following words.   “1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.”  (Romans 13:1-2)  There are no perfect parents, no perfect children, and there are no perfect authorities.  But, in this sinful and fallen world God establishes government to provide order for our lives together.  When anarchy breaks out everyone suffers.  So, as a rule, we submit to those who govern, because God established government.


However, when our authorities either require a Christian to do what is contrary to God’s law, or when government forbids Christians from doing what God’s law demands, in those cases we are called to a different standard.  When commanded by the Jewish authorities to discontinue preaching about Jesus, the Lord’s disciples declared, "We must obey God rather than men!”  This standard still applies today for children of God. 


But, for me the most practical and important direction from God concerning authorities comes from 1 Timothy 2:1-2.  1 I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-- 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.  It is VITAL that we pray for our leaders.  They need God’s help!!  And God DOES answer prayer. 


So, in answer to my pastor’s question, “Johnny, what are we going to do about our country?” I replied, “Well, first of all, I’m going to pray.”  I have been praying for our current leaders.  I have been praying for the election process.  I have been praying for our state and local leaders.  All our leaders have to make decisions where both sides of the coin bring difficulties.  I want God guiding those difficult decisions if they will listen. 


And ultimately, I am going to trust and follow the Lord of the universe.  When earthly leaders make decisions that disappoint me, I know that God is good.  And, I know that when I have failed and sinned, my Lord acted in mercy and sacrificial love to save me through Jesus.  I trust His decisions and His Lordship in my life.


A Child of God, Praying for our Country,

Pastor Jonathan


P.S.  Here are some pictures from the 8th Grade Confirmation trip to help at the Palmer Food Bank on March 2.


P.P.S.  Here are some pictures from the Lenten Meal on February 24.


P.P.P.S. Here is a picture of the view from the Lodge where the Marriage Retreat was held.


P.P.P.P.S.  (Whew!)  Here are some pictures from fishing on Monday.





ABOUT ‘THOUGHTS FROM THE PASTOR’ -   I am sending these e-mail messages, hopefully weekly, to all St. John members and friends whose e-mails I have.  (I am regularly adding new names of friends and members – in case you are just receiving this e-mail for the first time.)  However, if you don’t want to receive this e-mail, please let me know, and I’ll gladly leave your name off my list for this message.




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