Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Hopeful in Anticipation for Time With My Lord Each Morning


Dear Fellow Children of God,


In the south, especially in small towns, I see many interesting roadside signs, signs which often bring a smile to my face.  While recently driving through the small town of Newberry, FL, the sign at First Baptist Church read, “Prayer – How We Speak to God.  The Bible – How God Speaks to Us.”  Do you ever long to hear the voice of God speaking to you?  Do you need direction? Comfort? Assurance?  God does speak, and He is speaking to you today . . . in His Word.


Do you follow the practice of personal daily devotions?  In some way I have tried to follow this discipline since my high school years.  Often I considered myself unsuccessful in my attempts to listen to God by spending time daily with Him.  I would set goals, such as reading through the Bible in a year. But I’d fail.  I would get behind one day, and then behind two days, then a week, or a month.  And then I would give up, for a while at least.  Sometimes I was more successful than at other times in accomplishing my goals. But, somewhere along the way I would fail again.


However, through all my failed attempts at daily devotions, as I tried and I struggled, I came to a couple of realizations.  First of all, when I did begin my day in Bible reading and prayer, those days just seemed to go better.  Even if trouble arose, I had a peace and assurance to face my troubles with the presence and the love of my Lord.  Second, I came to understand that, even if I failed in my personal goal of being in God’s Word every day, my whole week was blessed by the days when I did begin with devotions.  I realized that, even if I only spend personal time with my Lord every other day, that is still 180 times more each year than if I spent no time in personal Bible reading and prayer at all.  Even if I only found time once a week to read my Bible and go to my Savior in prayer, that was still 52 more times each year than if I spent no time in personal Bible reading and prayer at all. 


With these two realizations, I developed an attitude of not so much trying to meet my own goals, but of wanting to be with my Lord and Savior, and knowing that I needed my Lord’s presence and blessings each day.  Because I wanted to be with God, I became more faithful.  For perhaps the last 30-35 years, my time in devotions has been very regular.  And, somehow, I have reached my personal goals of reading and praying for at least 25-30 years.  For the next couple of weeks, I want to share with you some lessons and blessings I have received from my personal devotions, and perhaps encourage you to follow this practice as well, just in case you are not already doing so.  God is faithful with His children.


For example, two weeks ago I was reading in my current devotional from Genesis 25 and 26.  As Isaac and Ishmael bury their father, Abraham, we hear about these two men, whose mothers were at odds with one another.  We are told of Ishmael and his sons, 17 Altogether, Ishmael lived a hundred and thirty-seven years. He breathed his last and died, and he was gathered to his people. 18 His descendants settled in the area from Havilah to Shur, near the border of Egypt, as you go toward Asshur. And they lived in hostility toward all their brothers.” (Genesis 25:17-18 NIV)  Ishmael and his family sound somewhat ominous and threatening.  But, right away in Genesis 26 we hear of God’s promise and blessings to Isaac.  “2 The LORD appeared to Isaac and said, ‘Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land where I tell you to live. 3 Stay in this land for a while, and I will be with you and will bless you. For to you and your descendants I will give all these lands and will confirm the oath I swore to your father Abraham. 4 I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and will give them all these lands, and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed.’” (Genesis 26:2-4) 


I learned that, in response to a possible cause of fear for Isaac from Ishmael, God gives His promise and blessings to assure Isaac.  In fact, God is with Isaac for more than just Isaac’s relationship to Ishmael.  God is with Isaac into eternity, in ways that bless the whole world, in ways that bless you and me.  Then in the devotional writing which follows the Scripture reading, the writer pointed out from this reading, “That promise and its fulfillment in the cross of our Lord Jesus . . . gives peace and meaning to our daily lives and hope for our eternity.”  With that peace and meaning of God in my life, I then was able to face the day, as we were newly arrived in Florida.


Paul tells Timothy, “14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:14-17) Knowing that God uses holy Scripture to “make me wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus,” and knowing that in His Word God “equips me for every good work,” I look forward to time with my Lord every morning. 


How often do you spend time with your Lord in Bible reading and prayer?  Are you experiencing the blessing of having God speak to you daily?


A Child of God, Hopeful in Anticipation for Time With My Lord Each Morning,

Pastor Jonathan


P.S.  Over the years I have used MANY different resources for personal devotions.

·       Currently I am using the “Today’s Light Bible” from Concordia Publishing House.  This Bible will lead a person through Scripture in one or two years, with introductions each day to help a person focus on what they will read, and with meditations at the end on a key thought from the readings.

·       The last two years I used a resource for pastors and church workers (and I am sure all Christians) called, “For All the Saints.”  This four volume resource begins and ends with prayers.  There are daily Old Testament, Epistle, and Gospel readings, and the writing of a famous Christian as devotional writing each day.

·       I have read and used a number of times “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers.

·       I have used materials from Navigators in Colorado Springs for daily devotionals.

·       I have used Portals of Prayer from Concordia Publishing House.  However, that is what my wife and I now read together, when we remember to do so, after supper.

·       I regularly read devotions which come by e-mail from Rev. Dr. Dale Meyer and from President Jerry Kieschnick.  I can share those links with you if you wish to receive them.

·       I have used devotions from LAMP, From Lutheran Hour Ministries, and the Red Letter Challenge books suggested by St. John recently.

·       I have simply read through the Bible in English, or the New Testament in Greek, on no specific schedule, reading until I am finished.

I have also used many other materials.  I encourage you to find devotional materials which can help you spend time with your Lord each day.


P.P.S.  In my recreational time, I try to golf as well as fish.  On Thursday, January 26, Kathy and I drove north about 40 minutes north to Lake City, FL.  There is a BIG fabric and quilt shop there.  So Kathy shopped while I golfed.  The couple with whom I golfed told us about a local restaurant.  When we arrived at the restaurant we found they had a special on raw oysters, for $1.00 each!  J  Here are a couple of pictures.  https://photos.app.goo.gl/tpX4434eXvcFvVB3A


P.P.P.S.  We have recently experienced a warm spell in Florida.  I saw water temperatures rise from 59 degrees two weeks ago, to 67 degrees on Monday, January 30.  With wind and fish not biting much, I didn’t get out as often as I planned.  But, I have been fishing twice.

·       On Saturday, January 28, my brother-in-law, Mark Reaves, and I fished on the Suwannee River. The water was the LOWEST I have ever seen it.  But we did catch fish.  Here are a few pictures.  https://photos.app.goo.gl/csUbrVwTSCiLeqPv7


·       On Monday, January 30, I fished at Rodman Reservoir.  The day had it’s challenges including breaking a pole, having the rope break on my trolling motor, wearing out my battery with the live well, and even falling into the water as I led my boat onto my trailer by rope.  But, I did catch fish, and kept 3 nice ones, 13 ½”, 14”, and 18”!  Maybe we’ll have a fish fry again this year.  J  I also saw eagles and other birds, a river otter, a raccoon, and other wildlife.  Here are a few pictures. https://photos.app.goo.gl/J2Ha7UqzGdmiARdK6


P.P.P.P.S.  On Wednesday, January 25, I did something I haven’t done since high school, in the early 1970’s.  I went by myself to a University of Florida men’s basketball game and watched the Gators play the University of South Carolina.  Here are pictures.  https://photos.app.goo.gl/XMwQQXzntH9CjqjPA





ABOUT THIS DEVOTION - I retired at the end of August 2019 from serving as senior pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Palmer, AK.  I was writing a weekly devotion previously entitled, "Thoughts from the Pastor."  When I retired many asked me to continue writing these devotions.  So I have continued writing.  However, with life's changes I now call this weekly devotion "Journeys Through Life as a Child of God."  Since I am no longer senior pastor at St. John, I felt it right to only send this message to those who asked to receive it.  (Though I am now serving again part-time at St. John as assistant to the pastor.)

        So, if you stopped receiving these devotions and wondered why, now you understand.  And, if you are now receiving these devotions and do not wish to receive them, please let me know, and I’ll gladly remove your name from my distribution list.  My e-mail address is jonrock53@mtaonline.net.

        My prayer is that these devotions help each of you in your daily walk with our Lord, Jesus.



Jonathan Rockey

Child of God

Husband, Father, Son, Grandfather

Pastor Emeritus, St. John Lutheran Church

E-Mail: jonrock53@mtaonline.net


1 John 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1 a)



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