Wednesday, November 22, 2023

2024 Resolutions - Will You Join Me in Reading Through God's Word?

Dear Fellow Children of God,


What are your New Year’s resolutions for the coming year?  Perhaps my question surprises you.  So, you might reply, “But, Pastor, it’s not New Year yet!”  Nevertheless, I would like you to join me in a resolution concerning our Christian faith.  It will take preparation for you to make this resolution.  So I am asking you now, “What are your New Year’s resolutions for the coming year?”


As you consider that question, here is my request.  “Will you join me in reading the Bible together?”  I have shared before in these devotions that God promises that His Word creates and strengthens our faith in Jesus.  Paul encourages Timothy,14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it 15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”  (2 Timothy 3:14-17) ( See also Romans 10:18, and 1 Peter 1:23).  In the Scriptures God “makes us wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.”  Through the Bible God teaches and corrects, trains and equips.  Do you need what God’s Word has to offer?  Do you want faith. or teaching, or equipping?


Paul also encourages the Christians in Colossae, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly . . . “ (Colossians 3:16 a)  Do you want faith or God’s love or direction in your life?  God speaks words of love to us through Scripture. He brings forgiveness and eternal life to us through faith in Jesus.  You and I also need the Word of Christ dwelling in us!  If you truly do desire these blessings of God in your life, please join with me in letting God speak into our hearts as together we read His Word. 


One of my favorite devotional Bibles is entitled the “Today’s Light Bible.”  This daily devotional takes a person through Scriptures in two years, reading Monday through Saturday each week, and taking Sundays off.  (After all, we are called to “Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy.”) (Exodus 20:8)  The Today’s Light Bible starts each day’s reading with a short  section entitled, “Get at the Big Picture,” which helps a person consider ahead of time what they will be reading.  Then, after the daily Bible reading. there is a short devotion called “Sharpen the Focus.”  This devotion examines what God is speaking to us personally in part of that day’s reading.  An average day’s reading takes 10-15 minutes.  I personally take time to read my Bible in the morning, while I eat breakfast.


So, I am asking you to start studying the Word of God with me on Monday, January 1.  However, if do join me in reading Scripture, you will need to have one of the Bibles. That is why I’m asking you to order a Bible online now in order to join me in 2024.  Then, since we will be reading together, if you have any questions I would be willing to talk and pray with you about what we read.  You can call me, or you can text, or even email.  I do not have all the answers, but I will respond.


What are your New Year’s Resolutions?  Do you need faith, or love, or direction?  Do you desire God’s forgiveness or eternal life?  If so, please join with me in letting God speak His love into our hearts as together we read His Word.


By the way, Happy New Year, perhaps just a little early!


A Child of God, Seeking to Let the Word of Christ Dwell in Me Richly in 2024 and Beyond!

Pastor Jonathan




P.S.  If you would like to make a donation in memory of Pastor Robert Besalski, the Besalski family asks that you either make a donation to First Lutheran Church, or to Lutheran World Relief.  This information was supposed to be included in the obituary in the Gainesville Sun.  However, it was omitted when the obituary was printed.


P.P.S. – Consecration Sunday Results – After Consecration Sunday on November 19, our First Lutheran Financial Secretary, Gail Mahnken, tabulated the Estimate of Giving cards and compared them to a full year of offerings in 2022.  The ESTIMATES are that offerings will increase by 17%, and we should receive an extra $63,000-$64,000 in 2024 to do the work of our Lord!  God is Good!


P.P.P.S. THE FIRST SPECIAL HOLIDAY SERVICE at St. John will be held THIS Wednesday evening, November 22, at 6:30 p.m. as we join in the National Day of Thanksgiving.

            In addition, in memory of Judy Helling, we are receiving a food offering of non- perishable food, which we be donated to “Bread of the Almighty.”


P.P.P.P.S.  FISHING J  I went fishing twice this past week

·       On Friday, November 17 I fished in a favorite local lake and came home with a limit of largemouth bass.  Here are some pictures.


·       On Monday, November 20 I fished on the Wacassassa River.  I caught 6 bass and kept 4 of them.  I also saw two gators.  One gator was really big!  Here are some pictures.





ABOUT THIS DEVOTION - I retired at the end of August 2019 from serving as full-time senior pastor of St. John Lutheran Church in Palmer, AK.  I was writing a weekly devotion previously entitled, "Thoughts from the Pastor."  When I retired many asked me to continue writing these devotions.  So I have continued writing.  However, with life's changes I now call this weekly devotion "Journeys Through Life as a Child of God."  Since I am no longer senior pastor at St. John, I felt it right to only send this message to those who asked to receive it.  (Currently I am serving as Vacancy Pastor for First Lutheran Church in Gainesville, FL.)

        So, if you stopped receiving these devotions and wondered why, now you understand.  And, if you are now receiving these devotions and do not wish to receive them, please let me know, and I’ll gladly remove your name from my distribution list.  My e-mail address is

        My prayer is that these devotions help each of you in your daily walk with our Lord, Jesus.



Jonathan Rockey

Child of God

Husband, Father, Son, Grandfather

            Vacancy Pastor, First Lutheran Church, Gainesville, FL

Pastor Emeritus, St. John Lutheran Church, Palmer, AK




1 John 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1 a)




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