Friday, June 5, 2015

Resting In Jesus

Dear Fellow Children of God,


My first summer in Alaska a church member made a comment to me as I was greeting people as church recessed.  “I’ll be glad when summer is finally over and we can get back to normal sleeping hours.”  I’m not sure I understood that comment then.  But now I know from experience that Alaskans do have different sunlight hours than people in more southern climes.  So we often have different sleep patterns.  It is not uncommon for me to hear people say, “I’m so tired!”


However, being tired is not necessarily just an Alaska experience.  In our affluent world, with so much to do and so much to occupy our minds, people are often sleep and rest deprived.  We often indulge ourselves rather that follow healthy patterns and priorities. Why do you think there are so many commercials for energy drinks?


We may think that such lack of rest is unique only to modern culture.  But, as I was preparing for worship this Sunday I was struck by the first verse from the Gospel reading.  Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat.”  (Mark 3:20)  This experience of being overwhelmed is repeated in a different setting in Mark 6 where we are told in verse 31 “Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."  Life can be overwhelming.  We need rest.


“Rest” is an important truth of God taught in Scripture, and rest means more than just sleep.  We could consider many of the Bible verses about rest (for example Exodus 20:8-11, Psalm 127:2, Hebrews 4:1-3).  But, there is a positive point truth about rest we also hear in the Gospel of Mark.  In the second chapter of Mark, after religious leaders had criticized Jesus for walking through the grain fields and eating some of the grain on a Sabbath, Jesus responded in the following way,  27 Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. 28 So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath."


Jesus teaches about Himself.  He is Lord of the Sabbath.  Jesus is Lord and ruler of the whole Law.  But, Jesus also teaches the positive truth that the Sabbath and the rest it brings is a gift!  "The Sabbath was made for man,” Yes, we need rest.  That is how God made us.  We need rest for our bodies.  We need nourishment for our souls and our faith.  So, God gives the Sabbath the day of spiritual rest and nourishment.  You see, we find rest in God. 


We weren’t made for the ultimate purpose of keeping God’s Law.  (Though, we are created to bring praise and glory to the Lord.)  God’s law was created to bless our walk in this world of sin.  "The Sabbath was made for man.”


I practice certain disciplines to find times of rest.  I worship on Sundays (and Wednesdays).  I begin my days in Bible reading and prayer.  And, most Mondays you will find me away from the office and perhaps by some water with a fishing pole, or walking around with a golf stick in my hand.  Still, I know that I struggle to get enough rest.  What happens if the hospital calls on a Monday, or we have VBS on a Monday, or a funeral, or I travel, or . . .?  I do work many long hours.  Perhaps the greatest energy theft in my life is the emotional energy required of being responsible for the people and ministry of a Christian congregation.  But, also in this responsibility, rest is a gift.  God Himself is the one who guides and feeds the His Church.  Jesus is the Good Shepherd.  Knowing that God is in control gives the peace of being able to hand off the responsibility to the one really in charge.


Like the folks of Jesus’ day, people of our time also find themselves ‘weary and burdened.’  So, for weary people God gives rest as a gift.  That rest is found in spending time and trusting in our Lord.  May you find rest in Jesus this Summer.


A Child of God, Resting in God’s Promises,

Pastor Jonathan



P.P.S.  I found rest in time with my daughter last Friday, May 29, on Harvey Kolberg’s boat.





ABOUT ‘THOUGHTS FROM THE PASTOR’ -   I am sending these e-mail messages, hopefully weekly, to all St. John members and friends whose e-mails I have.  (I am always adding new names of friends and members – in case you are just receiving this e-mail for the first time.)  However, if you don’t want to receive this e-mail, please let me know, and I’ll gladly leave your name off my list for this message. . .



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