Wednesday, April 8, 2020

This Easter - I MISS CHURCH!

Dear Fellow Children of God,

We have now been living in the “Coronavirus Era in America” for about a month.  My memory of when this disease first started hitting home in our country is that on Wednesday, March 11, NBA basketball player, Rudy Gobert of France, was diagnosed to be infected with COVID-19, after previously joking about the disease.  The next day the NBA shut down, supposedly for 2 weeks.  Then Baseball, Hockey, College Sports, Golf, really all sports, stopped their competition.  A college basketball game, and a golf tournament, were both actually stopped while in progress!  We have missed the college basketball playoffs, the opening day of baseball, and The Masters Golf Tournament.  I recently heard that many are in withdrawal, as they miss sports.  How about you?  Do you miss sports in America?  I do.  But, even more, I miss . . . church!

Kathy and I had spent quite a bit of time, while in Florida, before the virus hit, with our friends Pastor Bob and Elaine Besalski.  We attended concerts together, and really enjoyed eating out together, especially seafood.  And, we had a restaurant picked out for some special seafood. Then, all the restaurants closed to dining in.  Takeout is available in many places, but then we miss enjoying the atmosphere of a unique dining establishment.  And, we still worry about health in this time of great contagion.  Do you miss going out to eat?  I miss . . . worshiping together with fellow children of God.

America has been spoiled with consumerism.  A majority of Americans, if they need or want something – food, toiletries, clothing, supplies for a hobby, can go to the store and purchase what they desire.  But, there are now governmental orders to “shelter at home.”  COVID-19 presents serious concerns for spreading the disease to others.  So, people are staying away from public places, like stores.  In addition, many supplies are missing like hand sanitizer, dawn dish soap, and . . . toilet paper.  Do you miss shopping, going out in public?  I miss . . . gathering with others to hear the Word of God, singing hymns together, and praying with fellow believers.  I miss considering the deep truths of God proclaimed in a sermon, and receiving the grace of God in the Lord’s Supper.

During this time of “social distancing” religious congregations, for the most part, have been forbidden by law from gathering in worship.  In order to “flatten the curve” and slow the spread of this disease, people are encouraged to keep a distance of 6 feet apart, and not to gather in groups of more than 10.  One positive of this extreme change is that, where many churches drug their feet in regard to technology, religious groups are finally learning to better use and take advantage of these advancements, to speak in the language of today’s culture.  In fact, churches are relying on computers, and live streaming, and Zoom, and Vimeo, and Facebook, and taping of worship, to provide the Word of God for people, because they can no longer worship in person.  Reports I hear even say that, in many cases, significantly more people are watching the video worship than were attending services in person.  Have you participated in worship on-line?  I have actually found worship by computer helpful.  But, . . . I MISS church!

On a more troubling note, because many activities have stopped, a good number of people can no longer work.  How do you pay a mortgage, or pay rent? How does a person buy gas, or groceries, if you don’t have income?  How does a person take care of their family if no money is coming in?  In times of trouble churches are often full of people seeking God’s help.  This virus is real trouble! But, churches are empty, by decree.  I MISS CHURCH!!!

King David declares in one of the “Psalms of Ascent”, I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD!" (Psalm. 122:1) There is joy in the gathering of God’s people to praise Him and encourage one another.  And, we are told about Jesus, And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day,”  (Luke 4:16)  God intends His people to “gather together,” regularly. (Hebrews 10:25)  God grows faith, by His word and sacraments, when we worship.  He grows faith which gives strength to face the challenges of life.  In fact, Jesus promises, For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them." (Matthew 18:20) 

God created human beings for relationships, for relationships of companionship and godly love with others, for a relationship with our Lord Himself.  In regular, weekly worship and keeping of the Sabbath God feeds that need, and fills our hearts, our souls, and our minds.  Worship builds God’s people. As we gather, God strengthens and prepares us for life.  Nevertheless, unless a miracle happens, we will miss celebrating Easter together in churches this year.  We will miss celebrating in person, together, the day of Jesus’ victory over sin and death by His resurrection! 

However, this is not the first time people of God have been prevented from worship as they desired.  My daily devotions have recently been in the books of Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel.  When Babylon conquered Israel, destroyed Jerusalem, and razed the temple, God’s people could no longer worship in that temple as they had done previously.  In fact, this event was the beginning of synagogues, gathering places for people of God to be fed, to praise God, to worship in a new way.  When Jerusalem was restored, after re-building the temple, the people again worshiped in the holy place set aside for people and for God to meet.  When the new temple was dedicated, it was a great and emotional celebration.

This year, on Easter Sunday, April 12, we will not celebrate Jesus’ resurrection gathered in large numbers in church buildings built for that purpose.  Many of us will participate in worship by computer, however!  BUT, the time will come when the virus has passed, when churches can gather in person to thank and praise our Lord and encourage each other in faith.  If that happens in the next few months, then THAT will be a kind of Easter, a rising again of the people of God in the grace of our Lord.  I can’t wait!  I pray and expect that churches will be PACKED!

I miss Church!

A Child of God, This Easter – I MISS CHURCH!

Pastor Jonathan

P.S.   I encourage each of you to find a way to participate in worship this Easter, to find someone safe, and to celebrate Jesus’ victorious resurrection.

P.P.S.  Luther’s Words on the pandemic of the Black Death – Bubonic Plague –

"You ought to think this way: "Very well, by God's decree the enemy has sent us poison and deadly offal. Therefore I shall ask God mercifully to protect us. Then I shall fumigate, help purify the air, administer medicine, and take it. I shall avoid places and persons where my presence is not needed in order not to become contaminated and thus perchance infect and pollute others, and so cause their death as a result of my negligence. If God should wish to take me, he will surely find me and I have done what he has expected of me and so I am not responsible for either my own death or the death of others. If my neighbor needs me, however, I shall not avoid place or person but will go freely, as stated above."

P.P.P.S. I do continue to fish. 

·       On Sunday after worship online, Kathy gave me a gift, and went fishing with me.  We saw lots of birds, saw a raccoon and a deer, and I caught fish.  Thank you, Kathy.  Here are some pictures.

·       On Tuesday, April 7, I fished on the Wacassassa River, going out a little into the Gulf of Mexico.  I need someone to teach me how to fish in the salt water of Florida.  I did catch a lot of catfish, which I threw back, and another fish.  But, a day on the water is a blessing!  Here are some pictures.


ABOUT THIS DEVOTION - I am now retired as senior pastor of St. John Lutheran in Palmer, AK.  This devotion was previously titled, "Thoughts from the Pastor."  However, with life's changes I will now call it "Journeys Through Life as a Child of God."  I am only sending this message to those who have asked o receive it.  If you know someone else who desires to receive this message, have them e-mail me at  You can also view this message on my Facebook page.

            A NUMBER OF PEOPLE HAVE ASKED ME WHY THEY ARE NO LONGER RECEIVING MY DEVOTIONS.  Since I’m only sending these e-mails to people who ask for them, many are no longer receiving them.  BUT, if you read this on Facebook and would like to receive them, or if you know someone who would like to receive these devotions, send me an e-mail at, and I will add you to my distribution list.

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